
Training chain


Step through the challenging year 2020, Traphaco JSC achieved good growth thanks to the flexibility and rapidly turnaround to adapt with the impacts of the covid-19 pandemic. This is also the year that Traphaco chose to build culture in the new phase.

Step through the challenging year 2020, Traphaco JSC achieved good growth thanks to the flexibility and rapidly turnaround to adapt with the impacts of the covid-19 pandemic. This is also the year that Traphaco chose to build culture in the new phase.

Entering the year 2021 with the orientation of "Standardizing Process" with the message: "CULTURE IMPLEMENTATION - PROCESS EFFICIENCY", Traphaco has taken specific actions right from the beginning of the year, training activities on "Special topics on Traphaco culture in the new phase" are held for the entire Traphaco system from managers to employees.

The training series was started on January 7th, leaders and managers joined the topic: "Build Branding - Approach to Strategic Thinking and Corporate Culture", this topic helped all employees better understand the multi-dimensional branding approach at different levels. From communication strategy to intellectual property management and brand audit to better apply in the development of Traphaco's products and brands.

Followed by the topic "Working culture according to process" held in turn for employees across the company, who have been participating in learning content from enterprises and jobs in the 21st century; Working culture according to process; Self-developed into process systems, comfomity assessment system in Vietnam.

07 training courses were held with 894 employees participating.

In the upcoming year 2021, the Company expects to enter a new period of growth. Requires high consensus and determination from the Board of Directors of the company to the employees to successfully complete the 2021 targets.



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