On November 18th, 2021, the Board of Directors of Traphaco Joint Stock Company organized a conference about the Company’s Restructuring Plan and the Announcement Ceremony of decisions on assigning and temporarily assigning tasks to key personnel at the Deputy CEO and the Functional Director level that are appointed by the Board of Directors.
On November 18th, 2021, the Board of Directors of Traphaco Joint Stock Company organized a conference about the Company’s Restructuring Plan and the Announcement Ceremony of decisions on assigning and temporarily assigning tasks to key personnel at the Deputy CEO and the Functional Director level that are appointed by the Board of Directors.
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors Nguyen Anh Tuan spoke about the Company's Restructuring Plan
Attending the ceremony were members of the Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, Board of Management, Directors, Chief Accountant; Directors and Chief Accountant of Subsidiaries, Heads/Deputy Heads of Departments, Branch Director, Provincial Representative.
Accordingly, implementing the Resolution No. 12/2021/NQ-ĐHĐCD of the General Assembly of Shareholders on March 31st, 2021 on restructuring business activities, with clear business goals and strategies, that is " Maintain the No. 1 position in herbal business - focus on investment and development of non-herbal business". After a period of active work, listening to the opinions of stakeholders, on November 11th, 2021, the Board of Directors agreed to issue Resolution 51/2021/NQ-HDQT on the Organizational Chart of Traphaco Joint Stock Company and Resolution 52/2021/NQ-HĐQT on the Delegation of Authority regulating the scope of work of the Board of Directors, the SubCommittees to assist the Board of Directors, and the positions in the Management apparatus are assigned by the Board of Directors.
Organization Chart of Traphaco Joint Stock Company from November 11th, 2021
Then, on November 16th, 2021, in order to promptly implement business activities, including developing the 2022 Budget Plan, which will be applied from January 1st, 2022, ensuring the business plan objectives according to the orientation of the Board of Directors; On behalf of the Board of Directors, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors Nguyen Anh Tuan signed decisions on assigning and temporarily assigning tasks to key personnel at the Deputy CEO and the Functional Director level that are appointed by the Board of Directors:
Decision 57/2021/QD-HĐQT, assigning Ms. Dao Thuy Ha - currently COO, to assume the title of COO in charge of Sales and Marketing
Decision 54/2021/QD-HĐQT temporarily assigning Mr. Kim Dong Hyu – currently Deputy CEO to assume the position of Chief of ETC & Business Development Officer
Decision 56/2021/QD-HĐQT temporarily assigning Mr. Nguyen Huy Van - currently Deputy CEO to assume the title of Chief of Research and Development Officer
Decision 58/2021/QD-HĐQT temporarily assigning Mr. Nguyen Van Bui - currently Deputy CEO to assume the position of Chief of OTC Sales Officer
Decision 55/2021/QD-HĐQT temporarily assigns Mr. Pham Hoang Anh – currently Director of Planning and Budget to assume the position of Chief of Finance and Planning Officer
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors Nguyen Anh Tuan and CEO Tran Tuc Ma congratulate key personnel
During the conference, Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan - Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and also Chairman of the Business Restructure Steering Committee shared the reasons and necessity of the Business Restructure in terms of governance for the Company to develop better. The process of implementing the Restructuring Project is based on legal and practical principles, as well as shareholders' expectations, especially achieving high internal consensus. This is the innovation, the product of intellect and enthusiasm; carefully implemented and will be the driving force for long-term development of the Company.
Vice Chairman Nguyen Anh Tuan also shared specifically about Traphaco's restructuring of functional areas along the value chain: Sales & Marketing, Research & Development, Finance & Planning and support departments. The Vice Chairman emphasized that, during and after the Restructuring process, the Company committed to ensuring job stability and the entire remuneration regime for employees so that employees can work with peace of mind with a stronger mindset, more motivated and achieve better results.
At the ceremony, the Deputy CEO and Director of Finance & Planning assigned and temporarily assigned the tasks, thanked the shareholders for the trust, the credit of the Board of Directors and the CEO, the support of the shareholders, departments in the Company; committed to successfully completing the assigned tasks, contributing to the sustainable development of Traphaco.
CEO Tran Tuc Ma spoke at the ceremony
Next, CEO Tran Tuc Ma gave best wishes to the first 5 key positions entrusted by the Board of Directors with important tasks. The CEO affirmed that restructuring is inevitable, in line with the new and changing situation for development, better for the Company and for Traphaco's employees. With the Delegation of Authority, the responsibilities and tasks are clearly and transparently assigned, which is an opportunity for each position to demonstrate its capacity and promote its strengths. CEO Tran Tuc Ma emphasized, in order to perform well Restructuring needs to perform well the following 3 tasks:
Firstly: Completing the budget plan close to reality, suitable with the Company in the new conditions.
Second: Issue functions and tasks of departments and units according to the new model. Continue to improve the processes and regulations of the Company in accordance with the law and in accordance with the new Organizational Chart, creating the overall strength of the enterprise.
Third: Review and evaluate to select a number of trial sites for separation of the medical representatives and a specific separation plan. Assign clear KPIs with specific goals for herbal and non-herbal businesses to continuously monitor and evaluate effectiveness and make timely adjustments.
The CEO is committed to creating favorable conditions and the best environment for the Deputy CEOs and functional Director to fulfill their assigned tasks and contribute to the sustainable development of Traphaco.
Closing the Conference, Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan believed that Traphaco's cultural spirit, with a tradition of 49 years, would be spread positively throughout the system with high consensus, solidarity and successful implementation of the objectives in the 2021 Plan, creating a solid premise for the 2021-2025 period; The new Organizational Chart and governance method that are improved and more appropriate, will create a resonance of resources and values, pushing "Traphaco ship" to make a strong breakthrough in the future.
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