
Traphaco held a Communication session on Digital Transformation in Pharmaceutical Enterprises


In 2023, the Party Committee of Traphaco Joint Stock Company launched the emulation program "Speed and Digitization - Connect for Success". This program is also consistent with the full-term program No. 04-CTr/DUK "Effectively promoting the achievements of the 4th industrial revolution, accelerating digital transformation, building sustainable businesses" . To help staff better understanding, the company's Party Committee organized a communication session on this topic.
On the morning of May 12th, 2023, the communication session "Awareness of digital transformation in pharmaceutical enterprises - Trends and reality" was held at Hoang Liet Hall, Traphaco Joint Stock Company. The event had the cooperation of guests and speakers from the Center for Research and Training in Digital Media Knowledge (CRC) - Vietnam Digital Communications Association: Mr. Vu Kiem Van - General Secretary, Vice President of the Association, Ms. Le Kim Hue - Deputy General Secretary of the Vietnam Digital Media Association; Director of Center for Research and Training, Fostering Digital Media Knowledge, Mr. Pham Anh Tuan and Mr. Nguyen Huu Thai Hoa - Speaker, expert of Vietnam Digital Media Association. On the Company's side, attending the event were the Board of General Directors, Board of Directors of subsidiaries, deputy heads of departments, factory managers, Executive Committee of Trade Union, Youth Union and all Party members in the company and entire of Traphaco Party Committee.

Delegates attending the press conference

Speaking at the opening of the conference, Mr. Tran Tuc Ma - Secretary of the Party Committee, CEO of the Company overviewed the context of the industrial revolution 4.0 that is changing all aspects of life, from culture, society to productiong & business. In the pharmaceutical industry, Traphaco has always been a leading enterprise in the application of information technology.

Mr. Tran Tuc Ma - Secretary of the Party Committee, CEO of the Company gave the opening speech at the communication session

In 2023, the Company's Party Committee launched the emulation program "Speed and Digitization - Connect for Success" and among nearly 200 registered programs, many programs are interested in applying information technology in their works. The goal of digital transformation for the period 2023-2025 was also set out, with a construction orientation in the last AGM on April 14: digitalization of the supply chain, planning work, and production management, logistics, enhancing customer experience... The company has been selecting a digital transformation consultant and once implemented, it will need a big change in the perception of its employees. 

Mr. Vu Kiem Van - General Secretary, Vice Chairman of Vietnam Digital Media Association speaks at the press conference

On behalf of the partners, on behalf of the Center for Research and Training in Digital Media Knowledge (CRC) - Vietnam Digital Communications Association, Mr. Vu Kiem Van - General Secretary, Vice Chairman of the Association expressed his honor participate in the media conference. CRC is an organization under the Ministry of Information & Communications, which has also been deeply involved in the national digital transformation process for many years. With his experience, Mr. Van shared that digital transformation is a continuous process that takes time and sometimes has no end. That process will not be the same for every business, but the first point is always a change in perception. And today's media session could be that starting point.

Mr. Pham Anh Tuan - Consultant, coach, lecturer of Digital Transformation of CRC Center shared at the seminar

Following Mr. Van's words, Mr. Pham Anh Tuan - Digital Transformation consultant, coach and lecturer of CRC Center presented the first topic "Digital Transformation Overview". The topic opens by helping the audience clearly distinguish the concept of "digitization" and "digital transformation", eliminating common misconceptions. On that basis, the speaker gave the definition of digital transformation and the steps of the process of digital transformation, in that process what needs to be added, subtracted, removed, how to face competition. Mr. Tuan ended his talk by emphasizing that the most important factor is a change in mindset.

Speaker Nguyen Huu Thai Hoa - Senior expert of Vietnam Digital Media Association, CEO of IBosses Vietnam shared at the seminar

The second topic is more specialized, titled "Digital Transformation of Pharmaceutical Industry: Principles - Scope - Roadmap for Digital Transformation for Traphaco", from speaker Nguyen Huu Thai Hoa - Senior Specialist of the Media Association number of Vietnam, CEO of IBosses Vietnam, innovation and startup ecosystem. Mr. Hoa opened by answering the question: Why digital transformation in the pharmaceutical industry, then drawing out the meaning of digital transformation and presenting growth opportunities. From here, the speaker shared more about A.I. (artificial intelligence) in the pharmaceutical industry, some key applications in digital transformation and models have been applied, finally suggesting some actions that can be taken in the future for Traphaco.

Mr. Nguyen Huy Van - Deputy General Director of Research and Development gave the closing speech of the communication session

After 2 presentations with a lot of useful information, Mr. Nguyen Huy Van – Chief of Research and Quality Officer, Traphaco Joint Stock Company, on behalf of the entire management board, staff, thanked the speakers. and the CRC Center. He emphasized: Digital transformation is an inevitable trend. Once recognized early, digital transformation will help strong companies become stronger, create many new opportunities, new values but also many challenges and need a lot of determination to implement. Now is the golden time to create a confident and breakthrough Traphaco. He hopes that all employees of the Company can grasp and aim to build a business environment worth working, living and dedicating.

The company's Board of Management took memories photos with 2 speakers


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