
Social and community activities in 2015


Reaffirmed its pioneering position as the leading pharmaceutical Brand for sustainable development. Traphaco reached out to the farmers in remote and mountainous areas to work together in building and developing farming areas of herbal ingredients.

Reaffirmed its pioneering position as the leading pharmaceutical Brand for sustainable development. Traphaco reached out to the farmers in remote and mountainous areas to work together in building and developing farming areas of herbal ingredients. In 2015, Traphaco continued to be granted the GACP – WHO (Good Agricultural Collection Practices by WHO) certification for the farming areas of Ampelopsis cantoniensis, bringing the total number of herbal plants, which Traphaco has GACP-WHO for to 05. Traphaco is one of very few enterprises which boldly invest its resources to research for differentiation to create breakthrough in growth and quickly become a leading brand in Vietnam’s pharmaceutical industry. In addition to differentiation in sales strategy, Traphaco also differentiates in investing in developing farming areas. Over the past 2 years, the proportion of Vietnamese ingredients out of the total ingredients used in production was over 90%.

Traphaco’s initial successes have created a trend in developing GACP-WHO certified farming areas of herbal plants in the whole pharmaceutical industry. With the change in mindset for developing herbal plants within Vietnam’s pharmaceutical industry, support by the government and the Vietnamese consumers, there would be more and more brands to follow Traphaco’s footsteps in building Vietnamese brands to compete in the global arena. Being a pharmaceutical manufacturer, Traphaco always considers “community interests as the source of all actions”. As such, Traphaco is committed to contributing to the stable and sustainable development of the Company through enhancing the quality of life of the employees and their family members, of the community and the entire society. In addition to fulfilling all the requirements for environment protection and sustainable development, the Company also takes the best care of the employees and creates jobs for farmers through farming of herbal plants. Traphaco is also a role model for proactively engaging in humanitarian and charitable works, as well as appreciation activities, with the intention to contribute to a higher quality standard of living and happiness for the people. Therefore, charitable and social activities have been conducted as regular, inevitable works and warmly welcomed by the entire management team and employees.

Specifically as follows

»» For 9th consecutive year Sponsor of the program “Spring for you”.

»» Every year supports the war veterans and invalids, victims of Orange Agents by cash and medicines produced by the company.

»» Every year sets aside 5 billion worth of products and marketing materials, communication and health consultation for community.

»» Every year donates money and gifts to the Youth Volunteer Union and provides care for Vietnamese Heroic Mother and orphans.

With a tradition of giving back and caring for the unfortunate, every Tet or New Year, Traphaco always organizes activities to share with the community, providing gifts for the struggling families and families under subsidies. The Company also works with the online publication of the Vietnam’s Communist Party to organize art showcases with the theme “Spring with the Party”. This is an occasion to pay tribute to the fallen solders, the Vietnamese heroic mothers as well as disadvantaged families in different localities across the country. Other annual charity works also include free meals for poor patients of serious illnesses at hospitals, donations to people in areas suffering from natural disasters, contribution to build houses of gratitude; warm clothes for students in remote and mountainous areas…which are conducted annually. The budget for community activities each year is about 1-3% of revenue.

For 2015, the total amount spent for community activities is over VND20 billion. In addition to providing high quality medicines, the consultation and guide for effective medicine consumptions are areas of services in which Traphaco as been the pioneer in and has been maintaining for many years. Given the responsibilities of an enterprise operating in healthcare sector, over the past 15 years, Traphaco has been active in healthcare consultation activities, distributing free medicines and Healthy Living Magazine for millions of members of the senior citizen club – women union nationwide, especially in rural, remote and mountainous areas, where people do not have sufficient access to information and healthcare. In addition to Healthcare Consultation Conferences for direct end-users, Traphaco also has other conferences to introduce the Company and sufficient information on the Company’s products for pharmacists and sales staffs at the pharmacies and doctors at hospitals. In 2015, Traphaco rganized 311 of such conferences and seminars (274 conferences for senior citizen clubs – women unions, 13 seminars for treatment facilities, 24 seminars for pharmacists). For its social and charity works, Traphaco has been recognized through many awards and recognitions such as Corporate Social Responsibilities Award – CSR (2009). Top 10 notable enterprises for community (2012), Top 10 notable enterprises for social responsibilities (2011, 2013, 2015).


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